Jacksonville FL Family Photographer {Flower Field Time}

Its that time of year again. The sun is shining, the bees are buzzing, everyone’s noses are running because there is pollen everywhere! Spring is near! And that can only mean one thing: Flower Field sessions! That’s right! Flower field sessions are already being announced. Yes, we have a couple more months until the field is ready to go, but now is the time to book your spot for this amazing once in a year opportunity.

Jacksonville FL Family Photographer

The flower field is located down in Hampton, FL, so its about an hour away from Jacksonville. However, it is totally worth the drive! It is on someone’s personal property, so I do want to ask that each and every one of my clients that books, please be respectful of their land and remember to not litter and please don’t pick the flowers or trample them. I always like to make sure that the area looks better after I leave, than before. We want to continue to be able to use this property, and I think being kind and grateful is the best policy!

With your session fee, you will receive a 30 minute session on this gorgeous property, 10 digital images delivered via download, as well as the print rights to your images. I will have age appropriate props for the littles, and of course, a huge fun blanket for our bigger family photos. Bring your water, bug spray and favorite outfit, and lets make a date of this! I, for one, can’t wait!

Need the deets?

Jacksonville FL Family Photographer

Ready to book? Contact me at Amanda.dennette@gmail.com

One comment

  • Lavoria Williams

    Hello. Do you ever do the wildflower sessions for 1 hour?

    December 08, 2016

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